Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy or ozone therapy; It is a treatment method that positively affects the working principle of the body with a mixture of ozone and oxygen, which is transferred to the body's circulatory system at low doses. It is used to support other treatments.
Ozone (O3) is a gaseous molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms and is more unstable than oxygen. Ozone, a colorless and pungent-smelling gas, was used for disinfection (cleaning germs) in the first years after its discovery. The reason for its disinfecting effect is its strong oxidizing property. It can oxidize all microbes and toxins, that is, destroy their structure. Ozone is a very reactive gas and toxic to living things. The most sensitive organs to ozone are the lungs and eyes.
Ozone is used in surface cleaning, water cleaning, sanitation, it is a gas that kills viruses and bacteria. Ozone cannot be inhaled. It can be applied to the body with a cream that can only be made with olive oil, or it can be injected directly into the muscle or into the joint.
There is also a method called major hemotherapy. Here, the patient’s blood is taken into a vacuum bottle, enriched with ozone and returned to the patient. In addition, there are treatment methods applied in non-healing foot wounds, extremity wounds, which are called diabetic feet, by keeping the extremity in a special ozone-oxygen mixture.
Osteomyelitis, pleural emphysema, abscesses accompanied by fistula, infected wounds, pressure sores, chronic ulcers, diabetic foot and burns.
Diabetes Mellitus.
Advanced ischemic diseases.
Eye macular degeneration (atrophic form).
Musculoskeletal diseases and joint calcifications.
Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
Chronic and recurrent infections and sores in the oral cavity
Acute and chronic infectious diseases (hepatitis, HIV-AIDS, herpes and herpes zoster infection, papillomavirus infections, onychomycosis and candidiasis, giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis) especially caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi resistant to antibiotics and chemical treatments. Bartholinitis and vaginal candidiasis.
Allergy and asthma.
Autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoidarthritis, Crohn’s disease).
Senile dementia (senile dementia)
Lung diseases: emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and acute respiratory stress syndrome.
Skin diseases: psoriasis (psoriasis) and atopic dermatitis.
Cancer-related fatigue.
Early stage renal failure.
Accelerates blood circulation to cells and tissues.
It strengthens the immune system, increases resistance against infectious diseases.
It renews the veins (arteries and veins), improves blood pressure.
It cleans the blood and lymph system.
It enables the skin to work like a third kidney or second lung system.
Cleaner, softer and more rejuvenated skin.
By removing the toxin accumulated in the muscles, it relaxes and softens the muscles and increases their flexibility.
Heals joint pain and muscle ailments.
Normalizes hormone and enzyme production.
It strengthens brain functions and memory.
Relieves depression and distress.
It helps to relieve tension caused by depression by providing general calmness by oxidizing adrenaline, which is known as the stress hormone.