Glutathione Treatment

Glutathione is a very powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body and ensures their removal. Glutathione treatment is applied by clinics to prevent glutathione deficiency and to provide supplementation. Treatment is done in the form of intravenous serum application to people.

Glutathione has many benefits for maintaining a healthy body structure. It is possible to feel more vigorous with glutathione therapy, which is used to see the direct effect of these benefits on the body.

Glutathione treatment is performed for reasons such as staying healthy, increasing life performance, preventing diseases, reducing the effects of aging, and protecting the immune system. Glutathione therapy provides energy by increasing the muscle performance of the body, helping to feel younger and more energetic. At the same time, it prevents the heavy metals accumulated in the body from affecting the metabolism negatively and helps them to be eliminated.

The antioxidant properties and detoxifying effects of glutathione improve liver function. It is an important antioxidant for the body and its deficiency can cause serious damage on metabolism. It is recommended to have this treatment, which has many positive effects on the body, under the control of a specialist.

Glutathione therapy, which protects the body from the toxic effects of heavy metals, is preferred for a quality and healthy life. Glutathione is administered intravenously to the body in the form of serum. Since it is directly mixed with the blood, the effects of the application made in this way are seen at a higher level.

In the procedure performed by Promed Clinic, the serum application is completed in as little as 10-15 minutes and people can return to their daily lives after the application. Depending on the individual recommendations of the specialist doctor and optionally, 2 to 4 cycles of glutathione treatment can be applied per year. After the second cure applied, the effects begin to be seen.

In glutathione deficiency, negative effects such as chronic fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, neurological diseases, skin diseases, spotting, allergies, low body resistance are very common.

A balanced diet prevents the reduction of glutathione in the body and helps protect from the damage of increased free radicals. For this reason, it is very important to have a balanced diet after treatment. Various foods such as asparagus, avocado, spinach, broccoli, turmeric can be counted as foods containing glutathione. Consuming these foods in addition to treatment will be a contribution to your immunity.

Glutathione treatment is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. Risk should not be taken because there is not enough research on this subject. People who are currently undergoing cancer treatment cannot also receive glutathione therapy, but glutathione supplementation is used for the recovery of the body after cancer treatment. In order to avoid risky situations, it is recommended to consult a doctor before glutathione treatment.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that can be produced in the body, it consists of the amino acids glutamine, cysteine and glycine. It is necessary to get some amount of glutathione produced in the body through food, but this is not always enough. In addition, oral glutathione loses its effectiveness in contact with stomach acid. Glutathione treatment is applied because the body constantly needs glutathione for its own metabolism and its deficiency is dangerous. In this way, insufficient glutathione intake is prevented.