Skin Tag Removal

Skin tag removal procedure is not only for aesthetic reasons but also for physical disturbances caused by skin tags on the hands or arms by rubbing and snagging. Some skin tag formations may require laser treatment so as not to risk cancer. IN WHICH CASES IS SKIN TAG REMOVAL NECESSARY?As long as there is no difference in the shape and…

Warts Treatment

Warts are small bumps on the skin caused by the papilloma virus. It is more common especially in children and adolescents. Although generally harmless, they are aesthetically disturbing and sometimes cause complaints such as pain, itching or redness. Warts are divided into two as benign and malignant. Benign ones that occur in mucosal tissues or on the skin are called…

Varice Treatment

Varicose veins are the enlargement and compression of the veins as a result of the veins failing to fulfill their duties. Varicose veins can be the basis of all complaints, from capillaries that can have purple, green or red colors on the skin to wounds on the skin. Varicose veins, which are seen in men as well as women, are…